Humankind has it in his very nature to change, to strive to become something more. It is not something found in our genetic make-up but in our collective psyche. This is what has caused and inspired our species to progress from the predominantly hunting and gathering days of our Cro-Magnon ancestors to our current state of exploring the farthest reaches of our solar system.
What does this have to do with me? Well, I, being a member of the Homo sapiens species (at least until I can prove otherwise), constantly strive for the betterment of myself. Unfortunately, this time I have failed. I have succumbed to the pressure of getting my own blog. 'Tis a sad day, indeed. Damn my frontal lobe for causing me to change and want to be something more! At this point, I think our entire species needs one big, giant lobotomy due to the genius (or geniuses) who came up with the concept of blogging and for the rest of the population who actually take part in this wonder of the electronic age. Dr. Moniz, where are you?!?!
To look on the bright side, maybe my words will profoundly touch someone. I just hope I don't get charged with molestation. The chances of that are probably very slim, though. I will probably be more apt to scare small children and cause bouts of dementia, mania, insomnia, itching, cramping, and diarrhea and may heighten one's risk for syphilis, genital herpes, and glaucoma. Please consult your physician before reading further.